USB-drives voor radiologie
De Rimage RX400 is een betaalbare oplossing voor het produceren…
PraxFit App – Virtueel Fietsen voor iedereen
Koppel eenvoudig de PraxFit App aan uw smart TV (HDMI) of Android…
Koningin Paola Kinderziekenhuis (ZNA groep)
Vissen geven patiëntjes rust tijdens ziekenhuisopname
New Partnership with Vertigo Systems in the BeNeLux
Trend-IT is very proud to announce our new business relationship…
New Partnership with Beleef TV
Trend-IT is very proud to announce a new partnership with “Beleef TV”, an interactive and mobile “activity table” especially designed for people suffering of dementia.
Rimage Maestro
Rimage is the worldwide leader manufacturer of CD, DVD & Bluray automated production system including high quality printing of the discs (thermal or inkjet).
Foss products
Trend-IT now introduces a new range of solutions to optimize and improve the comfort of patient in a medical environment. Let’s take a couple of examples.
Perennity AccessBox v5.1
We are proud to announce the availability of the new version 5.1. What’s new ?